A route to Dosso Spirano and Dosso Roveri on Mount Baldo


Route description

Take the uphill street on your right immediately after Fraglia Vela Malcesine and, once the ascent is over, turn on the right again. If you reach this spot by car you can park here.

Keep going ahead and, after about 300 m, turn left on a path to be followed for just a few metres. Immediately afterwards, go up on the right on a paved street and keep going ahead.
Leave the paved street, go up on a short stretch of road to get to the forest road that you need to follow up to the crossroad in Dosso Spirano.

Turn left on path n. 6.
In this part, the incline change: wood sections, mule tracks and moved stones sections alternate on steep stretches. Here you can enjoy some beautiful views over Lake Garda, wild Mount Baldo, and Mount Altissimo.
Just before Dosso Spirano, you have a 360 degree view which deserve a photo.

Go from Dosso Spirano to Dosso Roveri, on a flat section, then go up on a zig-zag road to Dosso Roveri. When you reach the clearing, you'll enjoy a stunning panoramic spot and you'll also find some relics dating back to the First World War.

Follow the same route to go back.

Route starting point

The route starts in Navene which is situated 5 km to the north of Malcesine.

Useful informations

Service type

hikes, long-distance hiking trails

Contact infos:

Tourism Department

Piazza Statuto, 1
37018 Malcesine (VR), Italy
+39 045 6589904/28

Information Office

Bus stop - Malcesine center
Via Gardesana, 238
+39 045 7400044
Closed from November to March

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Archivio Comune di Malcesine
